去罗马 | Go to Rome
曹澍 | CAO SHU
时间:2021年10月24日-12月24日 12:00-19:00 (Tue.-Sun.)
地点:杭州天目山路398号天目里11号楼BLOCK 7F 想象力学实验室
Time Duration: 11:00-17:00, October 24-december 24, 2021
Opening: 16:00, October 24, 2021
Location: 7F Block,BLDG11@Ooeli,No.398 Tianmushan RD, Hangzhou,Imagokinetics Lab
2021 年的个展“去罗马”,关于一个传教士的旅行笔记,被历史中不同意识形态的叙 事打散后的碎片化意义网络。
1651 年,卜弥格(Michel Boym,1612—1659 )受命于南明永历皇帝,作为特使,经 澳门、果阿、莫卧尔、波斯、安纳托利亚、士麦那,前往罗马,向名义上的欧洲精神领袖—— 教皇英诺森十世请求军事援助。这次历时 8 年的长途跋涉中,他的身份在明朝外交使节、 传教士、博物学者、地理学家、动植物学家、异教徒之间反复切换。最终被抱持不同意 识形态的人们全部拒绝,死于越南边境。我想试着将不同作品之间形成的线索,理解为 一篇虚构的残页,12 件装置作为残页的标点符号,散落在展厅中,等待观众剥开事件的 地质层进行解谜。
传教士卜弥格在旅途间隙,出于散漫的好奇心而留下了动植物图画,被遗失在历史的阴 影里,却因东西方野史记载的负形被拼凑出蛛丝马迹。物质材料之间的遭遇就像虫洞, 作为证据将历史的很多端口联通在一起,这些端口如同磁铁的红蓝两极,本身一体,却 又相互对立。
This exhibition began as a two-year project, exhibits a total of 12 works, including 3D digital and video installations, sound installations, interactive games as well as other medium of works.
In 1651, Michel Boym (1612—1659) was appointed by Yongli, the Chinese emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty. As a special appointed envoy agent, he travelled to Rome starting from Macau, Goa, Mogul, Persia, Anatolia, and Smyrna to request for military support from the nominal European spiritual leader, Pope Innocent X. During the eight-year long traveling trek, his occupation interchanged between among a Ming Dynasty diplomatic envoy agent, Jesuit missionary, naturalist, geographer, zoologist, and pagan. In the end, people held different ideologies were all rejected and died on the border of Vietnam.
In this exhibition, I try to understand the clues identified between the connection between different works as a fictional fragment text based on the real historical event explained above. 12 installations scattered throughout the exhibition space interpreting as punctuation marks for the text fragment, awaiting for the audience to solve the puzzle.
The painter, Velazquez, the Pope Innocent X trapped in the Reformation of religions, the Jesuit Bu Miguel from the East, and the emperor of Southern Ming Dynasty existed in corners around the world in historical events 370 years ago together formed a butterfly influence, so that their identities became ambiguous. As Italo Calvino wrote in The Form of Space “in some way, regular, with right angles and symmetrical proportions, whereas instead, we should always bear in mind how space breaks up around every cherry tree and every leaf of every bough that moves in the wind, and at every indentation of the edge of every leaf, and also it forms along every vein of the leaf, and on the network of veins inside the leaf, and on the piercings made every moment by the riddling arrows of light, all printed in negative in the dough of the void, so that there is nothing now that does not leave its print, every possible print of every possible thing, and together every transformation of these prints, instant by instant, so the pimple growing on a caliph's nose or the soap bubble resting on a laundress's bosom changes the general form of space in all its dimensions."
A crack on a planet allows all established historical, geographic, and physical knowledge fall into it, to become an unrecognizable mass again.