• 西西弗斯现场.jpg/
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  • 2017



    3D Rendered Moving Image Installation

    Cao Shu's installation "Sisyphus" is built with a computer graphics program and highlights the artist's fascination with the relationship between the visions of memory and virtual technology. Stories, rumours, scenarios, and technology-like visuals blend realism and falsehood.The technology opens up perceptions that were previously inaccessible to any medium. Memories of flashbacks to the artists childhood in China exist in a row of 25 frames and with no linear narrative. Thorough its title, Cao Shu describes memory as being like the myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again.




    “西西弗斯”,由大小不等的数十个GIF组成,作者利用3D软件手工建造出一个个记忆中的物和情境,试图建立起一种视觉图像之间并置呈现的关系。正如同侦探片中毫不相干的片段并置,可以令人不可思议地通过标记关系网来解决案件一样。梦和记忆的情景并置,铺陈展开的是个体历史的图像学。只有不断闪回的连续25帧,并没有线性的叙事。记忆如同西西弗斯神话,石头到了山顶,故事就结束,并不存在这个情景的起因和结局,似乎我们没有办法在单一、重复而又令人绝望的时间中看到任何其他可能。然而正如加缪(Albert Camus)所说,推石上山的过程,有无数种方式,在微妙的时刻,西西弗斯回归到自己的生命过程当中去,静观一系列没有关联而又变成他自己命运的行动。他开始留恋推巨石之路上的花草、蝴蝶,脚下流动的小溪。他的眼里没有结果,他把推巨石变成一种游戏。这是一个个的环状瞬间。



    2017,瑞士巴塞尔Atelier Mondial国际驻地联展,国际沙龙展览厅,巴塞尔,瑞士

    2017,Atelier Mondial Exhibition 2017,Solon Mondial,basel,Swizerland
