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  • 2021|立体摄像头,图形数据转换程序,4k电视,分屏器,数据线

    作品基于对明朝传教士卜弥格步行去罗马的历史事件的研究展开。艺术家在展厅中设置了一个捕捉一定范围内观众行走步数的立体摄像头,并实时换算成实际移动的距离数值,沿历史上传教士卜弥格(Michel Boym,1612-1659)从昆明前往罗马的旅途一路累积。伴随着作品的展出,在不同时间不同身份的观众参与下,未来的某一天,这个移动在地图上的点将最终抵达梵蒂冈。不同时间不同身份的观众,慢慢一起完成一次历史上真实发生过的长途跋涉。

    2021 | stereo camera, graphics data conversion program, 4k TV, split screen, cables

    The work is based on the study of the historical event of the Ming Dynasty missionary Michel Boym(1612—1659)walking to Rome.The artist has installed a three-dimensional camera in the exhibition hall to capture the number of steps taken by visitors within a certain range, and to convert it in real-time into the actual distance traveled, accumulating along the historical journey of the missionary Michel Boym (1612-1659) from Kunming to Rome.As the artwork is exhibited, with the participation of audiences of different identities at different times, one day in the future, the cumulative movement on the map will eventually reach the Vatican. Audiences of different identities and at different times gradually come together to complete a long journey that truly occurred in history.
