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  • Ideology | interactive video installation 4K screen, stereo camera, graphics data conversion program, split screen | 2021 | Image source, Cao Shu solo exhibition  Go To RomeImagokinetics

    《异地牢结》| 交互影像装置 | 4K屏幕、立体摄像头、图形数据转换程序、分屏器 | 2021 | 图片来源,《去罗马》曹澍个展现场,想象力学实验室

    The tracking of the audience in the exhibition hall will be captured by the surveillance camera and converted into an actual distance value (similar to the step counting of WeChat). These steps will follow the actual distance of the missionary Michel Boym walked from Yunnan to Rome and add upon. In one of my future exhibitions, the dot on the map will reach Vatican from Kunming, Yunnan.

    In 1651, Michel Boym was appointed by Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming Dynasty as a special envoy to Rome to request military assistance from Pope Innocent x, the nominal European spiritual leader. During this long journey, his identity swtiched among the diplomatic envoy of Ming Dynasty, Christian priest, pagan, naturalist and geographer. Finally, he was rejected by people with different ideologies and died on the Vietnamese border. 

    艺术家在展厅中设置了一个捕捉一定范围内观众行走步数的立体摄像头,并实时换算成实际移动的距离数值,沿历史上传教士卜弥格(Michel Boym,1612-1659)从昆明前往罗马的旅途一路累积。

