• A8EE9BC4-3B0D-4496-882C-F78B9272A723.jpeg/
  • 红蓝四亿年前是海洋,四亿年后是沙漠.jpg/
  • 过去未来观测器三号0.jpg/
  • 400 million years ago, it was the ocean, and 400 million years later, it is the desert | pole, model paint, acrylic, raspberry pi 3b, screen, special clip | 2021 | Image source, Imagokinetics lab

    This series of works are based on the principle of human binocular stereo imaging. The author simulates the viewing distance of both eyes and makes shooting and viewing equipment, so that the audience can experience the simultaneous observation of "past" and "future": the works deconstruct the physical binary structure of human eyes at the historical level, and the intentions of left and right, red and blue, perspective vanishing point and so on. In the different interpretation systems of scientific, politics and religion, tension networks have been set up respectively. The author's solo exhibition "Go to Rome" based on the historical events of missionary boumeg is generated and launched in such a relationship network.

    The author simulated the viewing distance of human eyes and made the shooting equipment. In the moving images in the device, the desert and the ocean are continuous, but they are separated due to the limitations of human eyes. When the audience closes their right eyes, they will see the ocean, close their left eyes, they will see the desert, and open their eyes at the same time, they will see a three-dimensional world visually. Like a broken magnet, the red and blue poles are one. From the perspective of human geology, are deserts and oceans stretching at the same rate?

    曹澍 |《四亿年前是海洋,四亿年后是沙漠》| 天地杆,模型漆,亚克力,树莓派 3b,电阻屏,特种夹 | 2021 | 图片来源,想象力学实验室


