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  • 2020 | Installation, 8 Channel 3D Rendered image combined with real image|13 minutes 12 seconds

    This 8-channel video installation originates from the author's fascination with low-quality architectural renderings. These "future blueprints," rendered by 3D software, often appear around construction sites, and are both deceptive and absurd.The main screen images are created through a combination of 3D rendering and live footage. The content of the work revolves around a seaside fable narrated by a Chinese official contemplating a mathematical problem. The film refers Hilbert's mathematical problems. Faced with infinite rooms on a solitary island, what choices will the suddenly visiting guest make in this guesthouse that was once filled with Chinese officials? Scenes in the film include a silent conference table in ruins, teacups engaged in mechanical repetition for dialogue, and scenes reminiscent of the display of power discourse.In a certain infinitely extended time, infinity and infinity plus one are considered equal. Perhaps this is the enormous gap between the world of ideas and the real world, and also the reason why reality is continuously led towards tragedy by the world of ideas. Combining 3D-rendered images and shot footage, the work travels through a seemingly-unlimited number of rooms, infinite corridors, and breathtaking viewpoints on site. Meanwhile, an official voiceover tells an absurd story about philosophy and mathematics in the form of a monologue. The installation and the slow interchanging between shot and animated images make strange a linear perception of time and space. The shot images provide a feeling of real, present, grounded time, and are intermixed with animated images that suggest either a past, reconstructed location, or a future and imagined space.

    2020 |装置,8通道3D渲染影像与实拍影像结合|13分12秒

    8 通道的影像装置,源于作者对劣质的建筑效果图的兴趣,这些“未来蓝图” 由 3D 软件渲染,往往出现在大大小小的建筑工地外围,虚假且荒诞。主屏幕影像以3D渲染和实拍结合的方式制作,内容关于一则海边寓言故事,由一个思考数学问题的官员讲述。影片置换了希尔伯特的数学问题,面对孤岛上无限房间,且住满了官员的招待所,这个突然的造访者将做何选择?影片里,无人废墟中静默的会议桌,以机械复读姿态进行对话的茶杯,仿佛权力话语进行展示的场景。在某种无限延宕的时间里,无限和无限加一是相等的,或许这正是理念世界和现实世界的巨大鸿沟,也是现实被理念世界不断引导至悲剧的原因。影片延续了作者由具体地点展开,从而引申出的对时间问题的表达——时间如何被某种意志,借由不同视觉形态,被塑造成了某种具体的制度。漫游式的镜头里,实拍场景和3D建模渲染的空间反复切换,通向走廊尽头的会议室。主屏幕外的其他7个通道中,循环播放着不同位置的监控下,这座招待所里发生的一切。空间装置中多视角的呈现,将主屏幕一镜到底的形式所营造出的共时感再度打破。影片的旁白也是由当地人以方言口述。
