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  • 2015


    1080p HD Double Channel Video

    For this double screen hd video, the artist set up the camera in the streets of Hangzhou, focusing on people passing by: workers, students, young office workers, the boss of a restaurant or elderly people sitting near-by. Once his subjects became aware of the camera, the moving image freezes to a picture and another encounter process starts. There is a feeling of longing for more and an instant rhythm of fast pace of life. The moment when their eyes meet with the lens (which might be a collision for them) is the moment of meeting the audience. The emphasis is that it is at the moment that the work and the audience really meet.

    1080p 高清双屏影像
    时长 10'16''


    2016,汉堡China Time国际艺术节,法尔肯贝格大厅,汉堡,德国

    2016,Hamburg "China Time" International Art Festival,DieSammlungFalckenberg Hall,Hamburg,Germany
    2015,Nameless——Cao Shu Solo Exhibition,Hangzhou,China
